Q.Leaves on some vines on my English Ivy House plant turning brown.
I can see the leaves on the vine turning brown and dry over time, it starts with the leaves closest to the root. Should I cut the vine? If yes, if I remove the brown/dry leaves, will root form if I leave it in water?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like water is the cause here! Overwatering, or overly moist soil for too long will cause an infection.
This can be cured easily with peroxide if this is in soil. Just mix 1/4 peroxide to 3/4 water. Water this in once, and then once more a week later. This will correct the issue. Old leaves will not recover, but new leaves will not contract the issue.
Make sure to let the soil dry out thoroughly before watering again. These are drought tolerant, and will be more so in container indoors.
This article will give you more information on the care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/ivy/indoor-ivy-care.htm

Thank you BushDoctor. You mentioned infection, is the infection in the soil or root? I gave the plant a long dry period and new leaves are still growing and turning brown so I want a better understanding of what the infection is. I will follow your instructions for the next time I water the plant.