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Fig Tree

Q.leaves on fig tree trunk

Zone NEWBERRY SPRINGS,CA. | WOODLAND1954 added on September 12, 2015 | Answered

Why and should I remove them? I purchased the fig tree from Home Depot. It’s in a 1 1/2 to 3 gallon tub, about 3 ft tall and has about a 1 1/2 inch trunk base. Also has 1/2 inch branch sticking out about 3/4 of the way up. Has fruit growing on that and some on very top. There are leaves growing all over from the branch up. Should I start removing leaves evenly so the tree is not one sided? No indication that there is any other branch growing.

Also, forgot what type of fig tree it is. Bought tree in March/April this year. It sits under our patio with winds normally from the SW.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 13, 2015

Woops. Didn't read closely enough. I see you bought the plant this spring and it's still in a tub. Myself, I'd move it into the ground or a much larger pot; it may well be pot-bound. Just ignore my first answer. I wasn't paying attention.

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Answered on September 13, 2015

How long ago did you plant your fig tree? Do figs grow naturally in your area? Try asking a certified arborist about the leaf problem. A good arborist can answer these questions. Has the tree ever been pruned?

Sorry to say I have no answers. I, too, have a fig tree. They DO grow naturally here in southeastern Texas. Mine has several "trunks" and is about four feet high. I'm going to have my arborist look at them this fall when they're dormant. They tend to be low-growing trees, i.e., low branches; good for climbing. I got figs, very small and very delicious, last year, but not this year.

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