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Lime Trees

Q.Leaf issue with my indoor lime plant

Zone Thornton, CO 80241 | Anonymous added on February 7, 2019 | Answered

The leaves on our indoor lime plant which has produced limes already, and now has a few which are about ready to pick, are starting to get splotchy – Please see picture attached.
Can you tell me what the problem might be?

Many thanks
Sandy Long
RockSol Consulting Group

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 8, 2019

This is very common... Iron chlorosis. I recommend having at all times, along with a citrus fertilizer, Dolomitic lime, and iron sulfate. Applying these once a year will ensure that the soil remains conditioned. Additionally, they will do this in response to lack of light from being indoors. All of my citrus must remain under horticultural lighting during the winter where I am. If I leave them out in the room, they will drop all of their leaves and start over in spring. Leaving them with too little light indoors will never allow them to fruit, so you may think about putting them under some horticultural lighting for the winter.

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