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Walnut Trees

Q.Leaking Sap (Walnut Tree)

Anonymous added on April 2, 2011 | Answered

I recently had my walnut tree pruned professionally and noticed that there is a lot of sap dripping from one of the sawed off branches. Is there anything that I can put on this to stop it from happening, as it is obviously detrimental to the tree and staining it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 2, 2011

Sap flow does not hurt the tree. Some trees have free-flowing sap that “bleeds” after late winter or early spring pruning. Although sap flow is not injurious to trees, it may be upsetting to the homeowner. Pruning in early to midsummer, after the leaves have matured, will prevent unsightly sap flow.

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