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Container Tomato Plants

Q.Leafs Margin Are Curled Upward All Around the Leaf

Zone Equator | Idontknowgh1 added on December 2, 2012 | Answered

I now grow some tomato. Am growing it in pot with soil mix I made myself with soil, perlite, cocoa and vermiculite. It has been good until I transplanted in the soil I mentioned above–plant age around 3. 5 weeks.

The second set of leaves started to curl upward a bit (by bit I mean until they roll up completely, the first leaves are dark green). After that the third set of leaves started to turn yellow and brown. They feel dry even though the soil is moist and top leaves grow so weird, kind of misshapen and look ugly but green. What is wrong with my plant?

Every time I plant, it always comes up like this even though I am careful. I do not fertilize at all due to their young period. I always pH water to 6. 5-7. 0 and I test run water, watering around 7-7. 5. I am in Thailand and grow in an indoor office.

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