Q.leaf drop
I have a fig tree that I bought in March, about the size of a pencil. it is now about 18 inches tall. A few of the bottom leaves have turned yellow, fell off. The other leaves are still green, but have small rust colored spots the size of a pin head.
Does the tree have a disease? Would Sevin dust work on it?
Clyde Forbes
Mechanicsburg, PA
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This appears to be a mild fungal issue. I have a personal recipe, that I like to use. You may not have all the ingredients, and that's ok, since it is a broad spectrum, but use what you have. DO NOT skimp on the soil preparation. That is important.
Here is my recipe: First, you will want to prime the soil with dolomitic lime, then spread wettable sulfur to Kill off any infection in the soil. I Also like to spray the plant itself. Mix a few drops of one or more of these ingredients into warm water with a spoonful of coconut oil: Rosemary oil, lavender oil, neem oil, garlic oil, cinnamon extract/oil and for really bad cases, also add clove oil.