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Lawn Maintenance

Q.lawn care

Zone 60185 | Robert Halley added on July 15, 2017 | Answered

How do i know if my yellow lawn has had to much nitrogen or not enough?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2017

Depending on where you live and what your weather has been, the lawn may have gone into dormancy. Many grasses prefer cool weather. They look fine in spring and again in fall but go dormant in hot weather. If you leave grass clippings on the lawn to compost, your nitrogen should be OK. If you want a nice lush lawn, you'll need to feed it several times a year and water it regularly. A soil test is the best way to gauge your soil's health. You may also have a grub infestation, a beetle larva that chews on the roots. It is the wrong time of year to treat for grubs. So, you'll need to do some investigation to determine the lawn problem cause.

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Answered on July 16, 2017
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