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Lawn Problems


Zone Ishpeming Michigan | edservant48 added on July 17, 2016 | Answered

I had pine trees, spruce and balsam in my yard. I removed all of them except 1 red pine. I was wondering how much lime to put on my lawn and which kind of lime for the sour ground from the pine trees?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 18, 2016

The need to Lime and how much can be determined by a soil test.

Soil tests will indicate the amount of pure calcium carbonate to apply in pounds per thousand square feet. Working towards a balanced ph level will help bring the soil into balance and allow for optimum nutrient uptake for your lawn.

You can contact your nearest County Extension Office to have a soil test done for a nominal fee.
Here is a link to find your office.


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