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Lavender Plants


Zone millen, georgia 30442 | Kathie added on May 14, 2016 | Answered

I read the info, but I’m wondering if I can prune my lavender now. This is 2nd year in the ground and the plants are healthy, but woody.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2016

Pruning in spring can delay flowering, but it's a good time to cut out dead and damaged plant material.
Then go ahead and cut down the new growth buds by half to create nice vigorous bud ends.

When the plant has become woody, prune to the points just above the wood.
Count to the 3rd node above the wood and cut just above it.
If your lucky this prune will wake up the stem and grow.

I'm doing this exact prune on my Lavender in my garden.

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