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Lavender Plants


Zone Canton, Ohio 44721 | Anonymous added on June 10, 2018 | Answered

I didn’t know to trim my lavender in the spring and it is not standing up. It is trailing along the ground. Do I have to wait until next spring or is there something I can do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 10, 2018

Trimming now will rob you of flowers this year if your lavender hasn't already bloomed. Lavender responds well to hard pruning in late fall or early spring. If you live where winter temps dip below 20F., cut back in the spring. Lavender will not break new buds on old wood so don't cut back past the last visible leaf buds. If it is very overgrown, remove old stems to the base of the plant. Also, use of fertilizer can result in excessive growth; try just placing 2" of compost around the base annually in spring.

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