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Euphorbia Plants

Q.Last years gopher spurge plants

Zone Melba, Idaho | Anonymous added on March 22, 2018 | Answered

We ordered Gopher Spurge plants last year they did great, but we had a terribly cold winter and i fear they may be dead. How do i know if the plants are dead? I have now way of telling if i should just start again or give the plants a chance to come back. Thanks Denice in Idaho

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 23, 2018

Growing zone for Gopher Spurge plants is zone 5 - 10. This however is a guideline and with the cold that you mention, that is not the normal for your area; your plants may not have survived.
If you see now new growth over the next few warming weeks, this is likely the case. Make sure you give the roots long enough before handing in the towel. It can take quite a while for roots to send up shoots.

This can depend on how patient you are!

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