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Lantana Plants

Q.Lantana plants

Zone Yucaipa, CA Zone 9 | Anonymous added on June 25, 2018 | Answered

I have planted about a dozen Lantana plants along my drive way. They look healthly and are flowering. But….today I found the 2nd plant just gone! The plants are new, about 6 to 8″ hign, some spreading. I have put in some tall Lantanas and some spreading. This happened about 2 weeks ago and I blamed it on the teenagers next door (guess I owe them an apology).
The plant is just gone. When I dug down to see if it was a gofer, there were no tunnels or signs of such. There was still some roots underground, but nothing above ground. No signs of anything. The plants were in between other plants, so why it picked that plant, don’t know.
A mystery! HELP

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 26, 2018

It's hard to say what ran off with your plant. I have known many gardeners that use wildlife cameras to discover the critter that is causing damage in the garden.

Good luck!

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