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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lantana plant I have indoors now

Zone Indiana, PA | Anonymous added on March 15, 2018 | Answered

I brought my lantana plant in for the winter, and have it on a table by a sunny window(when there is sun in Western Pennsylvania ?). It has bloomed all winter, and the flowers are dying now. I know you pinch those off, right? One side is growing taller than the other. Can I trim the taller side back? I have read many things on watering. One says keep it watered, and another says it will bloom more if it isn’t watered as often. Which is correct? I will use Miracle Gro once it warms up and I can take it outside. What other flowering plant is good for year round flowers indoors? Thanks for your help and advice. LG

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 16, 2018

Yes, you can prune back your plant now to reshape it for spring.


It is difficult to find plants that bloom year round. Most blooming plants need a rest or dormancy period.
Visit your local garden centers and seek out plants that are blooming now to enjoy. Azaleas, Easter Lilies and Hydrangea are generally available this time of year.

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