I grow Lantana bandana trailing gold in huge pots as an annual. What are the chances of survival over the winter if I cut plants down and store in a heated garage over the winter and allow them to go dormant/no water? Will they begin growing again if I begin watering in spring and return them outside?
I do not see any reason why you couldn't overwinter them indoors. I would drop off the watering to only once monthly (rather than stopping completely) and possibly trim it back before bringing it in as well. You can keep it in your garage or a heated greenhouse (just above freezing), though the house is usually warmer than 50 degrees at night (which is better for them). So if you have a location that is bright and sunny, but doesn't freeze (50 degrees at night) and stays at least 70 degrees during the day, it could possibly make it through the winter. Or you can let the blooms go to seed and harvest them to start more of the plant in Feb. for next season.