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Hyacinth Plant

Q.lace effect on my new young wistaria leaves

Zone Tr18 3BU | Anonymous added on July 10, 2017 | Answered

I bought 3 young wisteria and they where coming on lovely until one day the leaves begain to look like lace. Holes in all the leaves. Ive looked under the leaves and cant find any insects. could you please advise on how I can get the leaves to look healthy again. This is my first time growing Wisteria. Many Thanks Ellen

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 11, 2017

I'm sorry your Wisteria has been damaged!

The feeding larvae of different types of pests is sometimes the cause of "skeletonized" leaves. Some adult pests even feed at night, so you won't see them during the day. Wisteria, however, don't really fall prey to many pests, but the one exception is Leaf Borers...and those little buggers are more difficult to track down and get rid of. These articles may help you positively identify and control whatever is making a buffet out of your wisteria:



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