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Kumquat Trees

Q.Kumquat Tree HELP

Zone 27519 | ThePlantNoob added on May 18, 2019 | Answered

Crisis. I pretty sure a tree can come back after having no leaves, but idk what’s wrong with this one. I spray it with fungicide, and the leaves are STILL turning this unusual color and falling off. Btw the white stuff might be the fungicide. PLEASE HELP

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2019

It does appear that your little plant is in quite a bit of distress.
Despite all our efforts as gardeners; a plant sometimes can't be saved.

Make sure all the dead leaves are removed from the soil surface and disposed of. These leaves spread disease.

If you have treated with Neem Oil; every 3 days for 2 weeks and you see no improvement. You can just wait it out.

Just know you did what you could; and look at the loss as an opportunity to try another plant.


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