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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Kumquat Tree

Zone Annapolis, Maryland | kmsmall26 added on May 10, 2018 | Answered

I’m a total newbie here when it comes to gardening, planting, etc. I’m hoping you all can point me in the right direction 🙂 I just purchased a small gallon size Kumquat Tree yesterday from a local nursery. I like to keep this tree in a pot, that has drainage holes at the bottom. On the label, it says that it needs to be fertilized every 6 weeks (after the first 2-3 months). If I want to move this to a new pot now, instead of the plastic container it came in, do I just transfer it over, or do I need to add some sort of potting soil to it? Is there anything I need to do to successfully transfer it to the pot? And lastly, when it says to fertilize it, does this mean I need to add a fertilizer mix to the soil? If you have any advice for me, I would greatly appreciate it. We’re so excited to have this tree and we’re hoping we can keep it alive to see it bloom flowers and kumquats. Thanks in advance! Much appreciated!

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Answered on May 12, 2018
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