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Animal Control In The Garden

Q.killling squirrels

Anonymous added on November 29, 2014 | Answered

Squirrels build nests in large trees. I live in residential area which has been established for 25 years and we have large trees on lots. Will rat poison (blocks that taste like peanut butter) kill these squirrels? We are being over run with them. They attack my garden and harass my dogs. I place rat poison under doghouse and between fences where dogs can not reach. We have had to do battle with rats, possums, and raccoons due to development of creek to the south 1/2 mile for housing development from a cemetery, and a housing development north 1/2 mile from lake side and/or park land. IT HAS BEEN A BATTLE. Now that all these “critters” are gone, and we are still battling squirrels. Need suggestions for sure ways and inexpensive to get rid of them.

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Answered on December 1, 2014
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