Q.Keffir Lime Cultivation And Harvesting
keffir lime cultivation and harvesting I have 8 keffir lime trees in my yard. We grew them from seeds taken from fresh fruits. They are now 30 cm high. What are your recommendations to start harvesting leaves. Any idea how long it will take to reach about 1 m in height. We are in Colombia at 800 m above sea level, 4 degrees north of the equator. Best regards,
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The time that it takes to reach that height depends on the care that they receive. Usually, 2 to 5 years will bring them to that height if left alone.
Picking leaves will slow the growth of the young trees. There is no real reason to do so until it is tall enough to trim. Once it starts putting out vigorous growth, you can trim off up to 1/3 of the leaves at any one time.
Here is an article for the care of the trees: