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Garden Pest Control

Q.Keeping Slugs At Bay!!!!

Zone Manchester UK | Drew3 added on October 10, 2023 | Answered

Hi. Having lost many pot plants to slugs and other pests this season, I am now collecting egg shells to use next Spring. I understand that this is one of many methods of keeping slugs at bay!!! I have read that not only does sprinkling broken egg shells deter slugs but the shells eventually will break down adding nutrients to the soil. Win, win!!! However, as I am collecting egg shells and storing them in a plastic bag, I have been removing the two thin membranes from within each egg shell with the thought that over the next eight months, it would be the membranes that were likely to go mouldy in the bag over the coming months!!! Now, having collected about a pound and a half in weight in shells, I am wondering if I am removing the very part of the egg (the membrane) that adds the nutrients to the soil? Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance. Drew.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2023

What you are removing would be considered negligible, and not going to harm anything. Whether you remove or not will be by choice. Another thing that you can do if you are worried about other organisms growing on the shells, you can pasteurize them.


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