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Hyacinth Plant

Q.kangaroo paw

Anonymous added on September 5, 2015 | Answered

Will the kangaroo paw plant be okay in a self-watering flower pot?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 8, 2015

Most resources say watering depends on the variety of Kangaroo Paw that you have, as some types are more drought tolerant than others. That being said, the majority seem to agree that these plants should be kept somewhat on the dry side, then giving it a good soaking (make sure it has good drainage) and allowing it to dry out some between waterings. Generally, self-watering pots keep the soil more moist (at least in my opinion), so I wouldn't use one for this particular plant BUT that does not mean you cannot. It's really up to you. As long as you keep an eye on the plant and ensure that the soil does not remain too wet, it should be ok.

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