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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Just Had A Bad, Windy, Tons Of Snow Fall Here That Bent Our Snowball Hydrangea To The Ground

Zone Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio | Anonymous added on December 5, 2021 | Answered

It appears it has somewhat popped back up, some. Question: can or should it be severely pruned and if so, will it once again bloom or not. It is more than 10’ in height. When in bloom, there are literally hundreds of flowers…besutiful, but limbs get heavy. Hate to lose the tree. Been here close to 28 years. Any advice as to whether we can prune in early Spring, or just dig it out.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 6, 2021

If it truly is a snowball hydrangea and not a snowball viburnum, it can be pruned to the ground in late winter. Snowball hydrangea blooms on new wood, so new growth would be covered in blooms.

For a snowball viburnum, prune after flowering in spring to thin and shape. Severe pruning is possible but it might set blooming back a couple of years.



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