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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Japanese Red Maple New Leaves Curling Drying

Zone ? | Kidme added on May 20, 2013 | Answered

My Japanese red maple sits beside a backyard pond. I live in Ann Arbor, Michigan and we have had a late spring frost. Mostly all the leaves have dried out and fall when touched. They are still the beautiful red color but crispy. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. There also seems to be a round brown/beige dot at end of leaf near stem.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2013

Your maple has been frost bitten. There is nothing you can do at this point. The leaves will probably continue to fall off to some degree, but hopefully not all. The remaining leaves should be able to sustain the tree through this year. You will need to supplement rain if your area goes into a drought situation. The tree will be stressed until it re-leafs next spring, give it as much TLC as possible/practical. When tender, young foliage is threatened by a late frost, cover with sheets, blankets, towels...never plastic.

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