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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Japanese Maple Help

summerchaplin added on June 5, 2012 | Answered

Recently, my maple’s leaves all dried up. They remain on the tree and are still red. I’ve been checking on it daily and noticed just today that it seems to have some type of borer. I saw one hole and upon peeling the bark back, there was sawdust under. Can I do anything to save this tree?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 6, 2012

Because it is borers, I would recommend neem oil to treat the plant. Neem oil is a systemic pesticide, which means the tree actually absorbs it and it flows through the tree getting even pests on the inside of the tree. If this tree is important to you, I would also recommend having an arborist look at it.

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