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English Ivy Plants

Q.Ivy with deep running roots taking over garden

Anonymous added on June 19, 2015 | Answered

Bought ivy (don’t know variety, as I am an idiot) to go along back part of garden as fill in, abutting porch wall, approximately 18 feet. It has now spread throughout the garden, total space maybe 4 1/2 feet by 18 or a little less. I think it is choking my other plants with its deep long running roots. I tried round-up on all shoots three weeks in a row before planting a few more perennials and some annuals. Shoots still coming up all over and interrupting some of the other plants. Roots are as deep as 6-8 inches and very difficult to remove, as they are VERY long and stringy. Leaves of this plant are sort of wavy triangular shape, 1-2 inches in size. Leaf is green in middle with red/yellowish border. Most leaves are reddish green underneath. Smells like Cilantro or very citrusy when I pull them. They snap at the surface, leaving the root. I need to know how to completely eradicate them, if possible. I want them gone without having to dig up everything.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2015
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