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Ivy Plants


Anonymous added on January 22, 2014 | Answered

I live in a mobile park. Anything I plant dies. While visiting the Smokey Mountain region, ivy was beautiful around the park models. I have a large rectangular area of dirt with a scalloped border. If I plant ivy, it will look beautiful, but can I contain it within that area and how? I don’t want it to get loose in my stone driveway. I have a white stone driveway that I keep without a a weed, etc. Also, I had planted boxwoods in the opposite side but skirting has been chipped and rather than purchase all new, can I plant the ivy against the skirting and will it hurt the boxwoods? I have lost 4 of the boxwoods already but I think I can keep the other 6. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 22, 2014

Ivy should do well and can be planted with shrubs and trees. As far as keeping it from getting into your driveway, you can use edging around the edge of the bed and that will keep it back or you can shovel edge (drive a shovel into the ground around the edge of the bed) once a year and that will keep it at bay.

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