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Hyacinth Plant

Q.questions about fusarium wilt, among other things…

Zone Bay Shore, NY | GreenGoddessGurl added on July 8, 2015 | Answered

I’ve been asking questions about fusarium wilt, among other things, and I’ve been a bit confused by some of the suggested articles you’ve recommended. I’m encountering problems this year that I’ve never encountered before. First, I need to know for sure if my nightshade plants have fusarium wilt. Then, I need to know if I have to tear up all of the vines, as many of the fruits seem to be growing well in spite of the yellowing and wilting. I’ve uploaded some pictures for your review.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2015

From this image I really only see yellowing leaves with some dying leaves at the bottom.

This may be simply a watering issue, either to little or to much.

Is the container an adequate depth so the growing roots have enough soil to retain water? Does the container have adequate drainage?
Roots that sit in soggy soil will turn yellow and continue to wilt and die.
Once the plants are stressed then they can be more vulnerable to insects and disease.
Make sure your checking the soil moisture levels, the first inch or so should dry off. Deep watering is very important.


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