Q.Is Wrapping The “trunk” Of An Invasive Plant With Tin Foil Worth Trying As A Way To Kill It Without Hurting Nearby Plants?
Hi, We have an invasive plant near our gardenias, and it’s too mature to pull out of the ground. We’ve removed the small stems and branches, so only the “trunk” remains, and we’re looking for an eco-friendly way to kill it. Is it worth a try to wrap the length of the “trunk” in tin foil (dull side out) to try to kill it? Thanks, take care, and stay safe. Sincerely, Leah and Randy Simpson
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You could try, but I think that there are a few other ways to do this as well!
My preferred method would be painting vinegar on the stump and all living portions after cutting. Do this until the stump is dead, and no longer sends shoots.