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Container Zucchini Plants

Q.Is this powdery mildew?

Zone 49506 | EthanBadger3456 added on June 17, 2018 | Answered

I think my golden zucchini have powdery mildew but I’m not 100% sure. I don’t overhead water them and I space them pretty well so they get good air circulation, so I’m not sure how this happened. I have some squash plants nearby that haven’t gotten it yet so there is still time to pull these up before they get to my squash. So can someone help me out and tell me if this is powdery mildew or not?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 17, 2018

Mine get that too, along with the pumpkins and cucumbers. I spray them with an Earth Friendly fungicide called Green Cure, it comes in a white powder form. There is a little scoop in the tub with the product. Add two scoops per gallon to a sprayer with water in it. Shake the sprayer a bit and then pump and spray. Do the same thing for a couple more sprayings about 5 days apart. It did the trick for me. You can get it at Amazon.com or at a website called Planet Natural.

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