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Strawberry Plants

Q.Is This Over Watering Or Bug Issue?

Zone 21236 | j.watnoski added on June 13, 2020 | Answered

issue with strawberries plant..thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 15, 2020

I'm inclined to say overwatering. Strawberries need deep watering, but the roots need very high airflow. They need to dry out very fast and then receive deep watering again.

If the soil does not dry out very fast, then watering will need to be done only occasionally.

I would let the soil dry out thoroughly down to at least 3 or 4 inches between watering. If you feel any moisture down to that depth, then hold off watering.

Here is an article that will help you with strawberry care:


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