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Hibiscus Plants

Q.Is This Mealy Bug On My Hibiscus?

Zone Indoor | Sonam674 added on December 3, 2023 | Answered

I have this grey fuzzy thing on the leaves and the flower bud. My plant app said it’s Mealy bug. It looks more fungus to me it’s not moving.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 4, 2023

Close! Looks like scale insects, which are in the same family, in different parts of the lifecycle. They don't appear to move, often. Once they are in their adult stage, they seal themselves to plants. This can be very difficult to treat. Sometimes heavy pruning will be in order, unfortunately.

An internet search will reveal many, many species of scale. Many do not resemble each other even closely, but the treatment will be the same.


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