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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Is this a problem on my rose

Zone Frederick, MD | tawhipp added on October 22, 2015 | Answered

I was winterizing my rose bushes and noticed a growth of some sort on one stem of one of my more actively growing bushes. It is at the base of a bud, and looks like a mini orange tomato. I’ve never seen anything like it before, and I am worried that it could be a pod of Japanese beetles going to develop over the winter in hibernation or something awful like that. I have 6 rose bushes, three and three with a staircase between them. The three opposite this one were totally infested with Japanese beetles, but seem to be making a comeback. The three that this one is part of have really flourished and bloomed like crazy. I don’t want to bring the beetles across the staircase, and I don’t want to lose the bush. I didn’t think to take a picture before wrapping the bush, but if you need one I can unwrap and rewrap it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 22, 2015

Your description tells me that you have been blessed by your roses forming of a rose hip. The rose hip is the fruit of the rose and is filled with rose seeds. I am attaching a couple links to articles for you on this subject. Congratulations!! Links: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/rose-hip-information.htm


Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian
Gardening Know How

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