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Cherry Trees

Q.Is This A Cherry Tree & Are He Fruit Edable ?

Zone 000000 | Moosefleming1@hotmail.com added on July 18, 2020 | Answered

I have a 8/10 year old Tree I thought was a Cherry Blossom – it produced loads or red fruit – cherry like this year – Is this a cherry tree and are the fruits edible please ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 20, 2020

It is very hard to see without a closeup of the leaves and fruit, but it does appear to be a type of cherry. Some of the ornamental and wild cherries are not edible, and contain significant amounts of Prussic Acid, or Hydrogen Cyanide. I would not consume them unless you know that it is an edible cultivar.

This link will help explain the toxicity of Hydrogen Cyanide and its chemical relatives:


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