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Barrel Cactus Plants

Q.Is there anything we can do to this barrel cactus

Zone North Florida Zone 9 | sslin2535@gmail.com added on April 15, 2015 | Answered

Just got this barrel cactus a year ago. This past winter we got a lot of rain and one of the cactus developed a condition like this. Is it because of the amount of water we got or did it contract some kind of disease? And is there anything we can do to bring it back to normal again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 16, 2015

When barrel cactus get too much water they develop a high turgor pressure in the stem which causes the skin to split. When it comes to cacti splits, the damage is permanent and there is nothing you can do but hope it scars over. At this point I would worry about root rot especially if it has been over-watered - a re-potting of the plant is probably in order.

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