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Ivy Plants

Q.Is there any quick fix for getting rid of ivy

Zone RM39XB | oliverburke3@gmail.com added on August 12, 2018 | Answered

We have ivy growing up our neighbouring garden fence, the fence needs to be replaced but I don’t want to have the same problem with our new fence, is there any quick method of dealing with this problem, thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2018

From you brief description of a "neighboring garden fence" it is not clear if the ivy originates on your property or that of the neighbor.
If it is the neighbor's plants, then it depends on your relationship with the neighbor and communication about management of the issue. If no agreement to eradicate the ivy, then you are limited to cutting what is clearly invading across your property line, without harming the portion on the neighboring property.

If the plants are your property, then you have more options including digging it out and/or poisoning with a broad-leaf systemic herbicide with a good surfactant to cut through the waxy cuticle of the ivy leaf.

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