Q.Is There An Evergreen Hydrangea Or Other Plant That Will Do Well In Zone 6a?
Hello! I’m looking for an evergreen vine or shrub that can be trained or pruned to about 6-8 ft high. I need something that won’t get really wide, ideally 5 ft or less. This is for a privacy fence. The area is shady with dappled sun, and in the winter does get 1-3 hours of direct southern light. It is protected from wind and the soil drains well. I’d like something that will provide coverage in a few years, vs waiting 5 or more. Ideally, I’d love something that pollinators would like too. Is there an evergreen hydrangea suitable for 6a? Or other ideas? Thanks! Denise in Manhattan Kansas.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Sure! You have many options available to you. These articles will help: