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Sycamore Trees

Q.Is There A Place That Will Take My Tree Saplings?

Zone Orpington BR60EN | sandersonpatsy added on August 20, 2022 | Answered

My beautiful London Plane tree produces many seedlings which grow into saplings very quickly. I usually put these in my green bin which I hate doing but I only have room for one London Plane tree in my small back garden. I would love to donate them but do not know who could use them. Can you help with suggestions, please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2022

I would visit your local nurseries, garden centers, or any of the universities in your country. There may be a school or local plant place that could use a few extras.

Or, depending on the laws in your area, you could attempt to grow them in containers and sell them!

Here is more information on the tree:


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