Q.Is There A Evergreen Viburnum That Grows By A Black Walnut, In Shade, In Clay Soil In Zone 7 At A Height Of 7 Feet Or More ?
I need a privacy bush for one area of my yard and am looking for a dense shrub that grows to 7 feet or higher. My large black walnut is determining what I put in my yard, but it also provides a lot of much appreciated shade in the summer. Although I would love an evergreen, I may have to go with a deciduous bush instead. I prefer to use a variety that is native and helpful to wildlife either birds or butterflies or both!!!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Evergreens that are tolerant of juglone include Arborvitae Thuja, Canadian Hemlock, and red cedar. The Canadian Hemlock will take part shade. Another good choice might be blackhaw viburnum.