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Companion Plants

Q.companion planting

Anonymous added on June 17, 2016 | Answered

I live in a cold climate in Wyoming and am trying my first year of gardening. I have constructed raised garden beds that are 4′ x 8′ and 30″ tall (did not want to bend too much:)). In addition to the beds, I have installed clear plastic roofing over these boxes to created greenhouses. I have started to grow a melee of different vegetables, items like corn, carrots, beets, peas, beans, onions, bell peppers, Jalapenos, Anaheim cabbage, and a few others I am sure I am forgetting. I am discovering that not all plants are created equal and some LOVE the heat that the greenhouse provides while others are not so happy. This year it is way too late to worry abut it but for next year I need to do better. Is there a chart available that will tell me what plants should be planted together, as in what plants will take the same heat/cold and the same water usage? For example, it will say beans and carrots have similar needs while peas and cabbage can handle more heat.

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