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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Is Passion Fruit Vine Invasive?

Zone Roseburg, Oregon zone9 | riverbank8 added on October 30, 2023 | Answered

I planted a vine during April 23 purchased from our local nursery in Roseburg, Oregon Zone9. It grew vigorously within a month and flowered then produced a few fruits….But later learned this variety was not edible and I noticed the vine coming up near the main plant. decided to remove it since I wanted very much to eat that wonderful fruit. 1. Is it possible to grow the edible one? 2. If so should I keep it in a large pot?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2023

Certainly! In Rosenberg, Oregon, consider planting Passiflora incarnata (Maypop) for its cold hardiness and small, sweet fruits. You can also try Passiflora ligularis (Sweet Granadilla) with winter protection, as it offers delicious fruit. Passiflora caerulea (Blue Passion Flower) is an option with its stunning flowers but needs some care in colder months. While less cold-tolerant, Passiflora edulis (Purple Passion Fruit) and Passiflora quadrangularis (Giant Granadilla) can be grown with the right precautions, such as a sheltered location and winter coverage.

You might do well with getting some of the more notable cultivars for a more enjoyable fruit, but it comes with needing winter protection. Even in your area. These will be best in container, though. A far as being invasive- Some can become invasive, but keeping in container will control this.



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