Q.Is My Sweet Pea Tree Dead
Had a sweet pea tree planted March of 2021 and now all the leaves on it have turned yellow and falling off and the flowers are all wilting. Tree about 6ft tall. House was tented this past January for termites. The tree is outside of the tent area yet close to it. Other plants under and close to the tent have no signs of damage. Is there a life expectancy of this plant? Thank you for any help you can give me. PS I scraped bark and found green 1st photo
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They have a lifespan of between 40 and 150 years! This will mean that yours is probably suffering from the treatment.
I would have your soil tested by your local extension to know for sure if there are any contaminants.
Since your tree is still alive, I would recommend giving it the best care that you can until it recovers, or until you see results of a soil test.
It is worth mentioning that you are outside of the zones in which it is known to survive. You are in zone 10, where this tree is registered as hardy from zone 2-8. With this in mind, your tree will struggle, and any damage or stress to it will be magnified.