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Q.Is My Rose Tree Dead?

Zone 29483 | Anonymous added on July 2, 2019 | Answered

I received this rose tree for my birthday. It arrived the first week of April which is the time that I was supposed to plant it in my region (SC). It’s been three months now, and there are no green branches, leaves, or flowers. There are white buds that appear to turn into thorns, and new thorns that weren’t there when I planted it. Is my tree dead? if not, what can I do to bring it back? I have attached some pics to show you what it looks like. I carved back some bark from the main steam and from one of the branches on top, and it’s white underneath.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 4, 2019

Thank you for sending the photos. The rose tree looks dead to me. Something must have gone way wrong before you got it if it looked the same way when you got it. I would contact the company you got it from ASAP and send them the photos as well. I don't know if they will have any left to send you for this season but should give you a credit to get a replacement for next year. So sorry....

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