Q.Is My Dwarf Lemon Tree Sick Or Dying? What Should I Do?
I have dwarf Meyer lemon tree in a pot. It has survived one winter last year but this year winter seems to be harsher and it started to lose all leaves and the top of its young stems start browning (as you can see from the picture attached). The stem closer to the trunk is green but it is brown further away. Several older branches also has brown stems. Is it dying? Or something else? I noticed some new growth (leaves) near the trunk but I am not sure why it doesn’t grow leaves further up. Should I cut off the brown stems or what is the best way to fix this? Thank you in advance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to assess the damage.
It does sound like a severe infection, either bacterial or fungal. This happens, most often, when soil does not have a chance to dry out thoroughly down through the first few inches at the top.
Only cut off infected leaves. Do not cut stems. Cut all growth coming from below the graft point, as these will be a wild type citrus that may or may not fruit at all.
Treating with a fungicide will be necessary. This article will help:
This article will help you with the care of your Meyer Lemon: