Q.Is my crepe myrtle sick
I have a young crepe myrtle that was planted in late spring. It gets full sun most of the day. It is about 18″ to 24″ tall. It did bloom pretty well. It now has no flowers, only pods where they once were. It also has few leaves, some look damaged. The leaves are orangeish and green with some yellow. I don’t see any bugs. It is mulched and, at the time, we had ants around it so we sprinkled a little ant bait on the mulch. That was about a month and a half ago. Help please.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, it is very hard to diagnose a tree without physically examining it.
This time of year, it is common for trees to have leaves that change color and fall off. But is this is not happening to other crepe myrtles in your area at this time, it would be a sign that the tree is in stress.
I would recommend contacting your local extension office to see if they can recommend an arborist who can come to look at the tree and recommend treatment. You can find your local extension office with this tool: