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Raspberry Plants

Q.Is It Too Late To Plant Raspberries In Zone 8? (Nov 8th)

Zone 98499 | vjbeach11@gmail.com added on November 8, 2019 | Answered

It’s November 8th here in the Pacific Northwest and it’s about 28 degrees. I’m wondering if it’s too late to plant raspberries? I sure would like to order some from a nursery and they’re still delivering but I’m wary because it’s been so cold.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 11, 2019

Planting now will, likely, be a death sentence for the plant.

Most nurseries will ship just about anywhere at anytime, as the purchaser assumes all responsibility once the plant has left the facility. Some nurseries are a little more considerate.

These will be best planted in early Spring.

This article will help you to plant, and care for them: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/raspberry/care-of-raspberry-plants.htm

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