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Raspberry Plants

Q.Is It Possible To Grow Raspberries Near Boysenberry Plants?

Zone Nampa, Idaho | Sportsnutim added on December 19, 2023 | Answered

I live in the southern part of Idaho, would growing these berries be possible? Thank you. Tim

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 19, 2023

Yes, you can grow raspberry plants near boysenberry plants. Both raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and boysenberries (Rubus ursinus x idaeus) belong to the Rubus genus and are compatible for planting in proximity. Ensure proper spacing to allow for air circulation, sunlight, and easy access for maintenance. These berry plants share similar cultivation requirements, including well-drained soil, adequate sunlight, and regular watering. However, it's essential to monitor for any signs of disease or pests and address them promptly to promote the health and productivity of both raspberry and boysenberry plants. They will be susceptible to many of the same issues.




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