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Q.Is It Normal For My Redwood To Turn Brown Each Winter?

Zone L40 9RJ | Gardennoob added on April 10, 2023 | Answered

I acquired a small coastal redwood sapling which has been planted in I thought suitable conditions (reasonably fast draining soil ect.) It’s first winder having been planted around late August it turned completely brown and I thought it was a gonner. It bounced back brilliantly by summer a almost doubled in size..the same thing has happened again and it’s only just sprouting green again now in April. Is this normal? Is the cold of winter taking its toll, should I be concerned? Any help/ advice is greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 10, 2023

This does tend to be normal outside of their native environment. They don't do well outside of it. It should be noted that this tree has a very damaging root system, and it should not be planted near anything that is valuable to you.


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