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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Is Hydroponics Organic?

raviramcharan added on June 5, 2017 | Answered


I am interested in purchasing one of those small counter top indoor hydroponic units.

But I am not sure if hydroponics in natural or organic!

Can you assist or point me towards any resources that can clarify this?



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 6, 2017

organic simply refers to produce being grown without any chemicals or pesticides being used. as long as any product you use on your plants is certified organic than you are achieving organic gardening. As to hydroponics you are simply growing the plant using fertilized water rather than dirt. Just use filtered or distilled water with an organic fertilizer for hydroponics ( or lookup the correct amount of a fertilizer to use in a hydroponic solution). A good quality LED (lowest power consumption) grow light is also essential to success if you don't have a small greenhouse.

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