Q.Iresine Herbstii
This little Iresine herbstii is new to my home. I have it in a bright room with south & East windows, but out of direct sun. I waited to water it until the top inch of soil was dry. It was leggy when I got it. Over the past few weeks, it’s gotten wilted, brown edges, and the markings have faded. I have a picture from the day I got it, for reference. Any suggestions to make it happier? Thanks!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This appears to be overwatering damage. Though they need moist soil, they should never be allowed to sit in water. Once watered, the extra water needs to be thrown out of the saucer so that it does not sit in water. It is very tricky to keep the balance of soil moisture.
They can handle the direct light of a Southern window, and will need it in order to keep from getting too leggy.
At this point, you may need a fungicide. This article will help:
Here is an article that will help you with the care of the plant: