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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Insect on Milkweed!

Zone 6a or b | nawnie1 added on September 2, 2015 | Answered

I have these tiny yellow or orange insects all over my milkweed plants. At first, I thought they were aphids, which are the same size, but they are destroying my bush. They leave some kinda substance all over the leaves! I have noticed tiny red ones too. I have cut a lot of the branches off, thinking that would deter them a little. Now my bush I have worked so hard on since last summer looks hideous. I even ordered ladybugs from the Hirt’s Nursery and that is why I am wondering about them being aphids. Please help! I have worked so hard keeping it alive and collecting seeds.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 5, 2015

Examine the bugs closely again to determine if it might be a Milkweed Bug.
These are normally found on Milkweed and pose no threat to the garden.

That said, I do believe it to be likely Aphids.
Treat the plants with Neem Oil, this is organic and is safe for people, pets and bees.

Here is a few links with more information.


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